The Periodic Maintenance Service that Enhances Energy Efficiency and Performance of the Facility

About Service Maintenance Facility Management
We can proudly say that we have experienced that the need for Building Automation System Service and Maintenance increases in direct proportion to the efficient and conscious use of the systems we have installed. Business owners who have witnessed the reduction in workload and energy costs resulting from the systems we have installed prefer to incorporate the improvement of operational performance and system expansion requests into the scope of annual maintenance services on a periodic basis.
When considering the relationships between regular building maintenance, building management regulations, and insurance requirements, it is observed that it has a cost-reducing effect on operational expenses in the long term. Furthermore, it helps increase the comfort and safety of the occupants and operators of the buildings, as well as preserving the value of the building and making it a preferred choice.
Through Maintenance and Service, the lifespan of assets is extended by conducting regular functional tests and making fine adjustments based on the test results. Weak points are identified, and preventive measures can be taken to avoid operational failures that may occur in the systems. It is evident that periodic inspections of systems and assets through Maintenance and Service are crucial for understanding how wear and tear, which can occur due to various reasons over time, affect the building’s lifespan and usability. Maintenance and Service also play a significant role in ensuring that hardware and software technologies used in a building do not become obsolete and unable to meet the requirements of today’s technological advancements.