Building Cooling System Performance and Thermal Comfort Optimization

What is Chiller Plant Optimization (CPO)?
Chiller Plant Optimization (CPO) has tremendous potential to create energy savings in many industrial buildings. When considering the total annual energy consumption of a building or facility, approximately 25% of the total consumption is attributed to the cooling system. Due to the role played by the chilled water in the thermal comfort of the building or facility occupants, the anticipated energy savings cannot be achieved through traditional operational approaches. Chiller Plant Optimization (CPO) is a system that can meet the thermal comfort demands of the building, significantly reduce ongoing operating costs, and simultaneously provide energy efficiency.
The Chiller Plant Optimization (CPO) system improves the performance of the cooling system by monitoring and controlling four interconnected systems. These systems are cooling towers, chiller groups, condenser pumps, and evaporator pumps.
Key Factors for the Effective Management of Chiller Plant Optimization System in the Cooling System
The design of mechanical systems should be done according to the requirements of the building or facility and the climate conditions.
It is necessary to make appropriate and high-quality selection of mechanical equipment.
Mechanical equipment should be made controllable by the automation system to ensure the effective operation of the entire system.
An automation system that is operated effectively should have user-friendly interfaces for monitoring operating parameters and easy management.
The Chiller Plant Optimization system requires continuous measurement of operational processes and real-time comparison of measured actual efficiency with design data.
The Chiller Plant Optimization system creates a sustainable system by maintaining designed efficiency levels even after long operating hours. It provides excellent support for a condition-based maintenance regime by comparing real operational data with design data and tracking historical data for early detection of faults, performance declines, and potential issues in the system.
The Chiller Plant Optimization system enables easy access to and usability of managed data through advanced reporting and graphing capabilities. This feature facilitates the quick and easy transformation of complex data into useful information.
The Chiller Plant Optimization system combines the operation of all mechanical equipment in the cooling system with advanced algorithms. It creates systems with optimal efficiency by developing real and measurable energy-saving strategies.